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Patricia Brown Holmes’ Second Interview with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

In her October 12, 2015 Chicago Bar Association Justice & Law Weekly interview with RSHC’s Patricia Brown Holmes, former CBA President, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg discussed about being an advocate for women’s rights. 
Enjoy listening to the entire 30-minute interview or various short segments here.

Part 1: Full Segment


Segment 1: The U.S. women’s movement was revived in the late ‘60s. Justice Ginsburg shares with Patricia Brown Holmes what led her in the direction her life would then take for the next decade.


Segment 2: Justice Ginsburg talks about her many allies and partners, the ACLU, and stereotypes about men and women with Patricia Brown Holmes.


Segment 3: Justice Ginsburg tells Patricia Brown Holmes about her 1980 U.S. Court of Appeals appointment and how two presidents changed the face of the U.S. Judiciary.


Segment 4: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg speaks about her confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court and the bipartisan spirit of Congress at the time with Patricia Brown Holmes.


Segment 5: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Patricia Brown Holmes discuss the meaning of the “Ginsburg rule.”


Segment 6: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg reveals how she manages the huge amount of reading required by her work to Patricia Brown Holmes.


Segment 7: Justice Ginsburg shares with Patricia Brown Holmes the “just do it” attitude and advice of Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, whom Justice Ginsburg regarded as a big sister.


Segment 8: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg reveals to Patricia Brown Holmes an ongoing “sisterhood” tradition that began when she announced her first SCOTUS opinion.


Segment 9: Justice Ginsburg shares memories about her dear friend Justice Antonin Scalia, and what they had in common, with Patricia Brown Holmes.


Segment 10: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg explains case assignments and the process of assigning dissents to Patricia Brown Holmes.


Segment 11: Justice Ginsburg opens up with Patricia Brown Holmes about how gender discrimination harms both men and women.


Segment 12: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg reveals her “not yet” plan to retire with Patricia Brown Holmes.